Everything was just brilliant. We are always so impressed with the cleanliness and high standards of this camp. We all had such a brilliant time and everything was so well organised. We can't thank you all enough. As always, our kids were sad to leave Blue Lagoon and we had tears when we pulled up at school Friday afternoon as they wanted to just stay on camp! |
"Returning to Blue Lagoon confirmed my thoughts that it really is the best facility on offer in Tas. The respect you show our staff and students and the professionalism of meal times and safety matters are outstanding…"
"Our students, the teachers and myself had a lovely time at Camp and we are so grateful for the caring support of all the staff we encountered. It was brilliant!" Thank you for always making us (and me personally) so welcome at your terrific facility. I genuinely appreciate your support and flexibility in allowing us to run our student leadership program each year. |
We have continued to receive positive feedback from parents about your camp including how great you all were as a staff; interacting with us and having fun. We can’t thank you enough, yet again a great success.
"Thanks for looking after us so well. We had the best week and the students were so sad when we left this morning. We literally did not hear boo out of them for the first 10 minutes!"
Thanks again to all of you for providing such a great Camp environment, activities and just the people you all are. We absolutely love coming down each year and you are all so welcoming and accommodating with everything. We could not ask for a better Program.